Issei, Second edition 1984
Nikkei National MuseumCompiled by Gordon G. Nakayama
Issei, a collection of brief biographies, gives us the perspectives and memories of some of Canada's earliest Japanese immigrants. Compiled and in large part written by an Anglican Japanese-Canadian clergyman, the stories tell of a once vital community. Though dispersed, the Issei laid the foundation for the generations that followed. Their fortitude, endurance, industry and faith are captured by Canon Nakayama's authentic Issei voice.
- Preface / Joy Kogawa
- Introduction / Gordon G. Nakayama
- Manzo Nagano / First Japanese pioneer in Canada
- Arichika Ikeda / Discoverer of Ikeda Bay
- Jinzaburo Oikawa / Adventurer
- Jiro Inouye / Pioneer farmer
- Yasutaro Yamaga / Founder of Nipponia Home
- Kozo Shimotakahara / First Japanese Canadian physician
- Denbei Kobayashi / Poet and farmer
- Kichinozo Imayoshi / Fruit grower
- Kumagai Family
- Hachiro Miyazawa / Union organizer
- Eiich & Kina Kuwabara / Segregation of Japanese Canadian school children
- Takuzo Maehara / Discoverer of Maehara Delicious Apple
- Rokusuke Maeda / Barber on a bicycle
- Kiyosuke Iwabuchi / Founder of I & S Produce Limited
- Tome Ueda / Picture Bride
- Genroku Nakamura / Who cleared forests
- Yoshimitsu Akagawa / Missionary and Pastor
- Koryo Tanaka / Golfer
- Mr. & Mrs. Shotaro Shimizu / Couple who loved trees
- Genzo Kitagawa C.M. / First Japanese Canadian invested into the Order of Canada
- Iwakichi Sugiyama / Industrialist
- Masuyei Fred Tamagi / Founder of Bridge Brand Food Services
- Masajiro Miyazaki / Physician
- Rintaro Hayashi / Leader among Japanese Canadian fishermen
- Shiro Koga / A multi-talented farmer and engineer
- Anno Makishi & Seiku Sakumoto / Pioneers from Okinawa
- Kiyozo Kazuta / Who contributed much for the welfare of the Japanese in Canada
- Katsuyoshi Morita / And the Japanese Canadian Industrial Businessmen’s Club
- Hanako Sato & Tatsuo Sato C.M. / Educators
- What I remember about Takaichi Umezuki C.M.
- Mr. & Mrs. A. Shimbashi / Couple who served the Prince of Wales
- Ichijuro Matsumoto / Ship builder
- Mr. & Mrs. Zenichi Kinoshita / Who lived thirty years in a ghost town
- Takeo Ujo Kanano / Poet
- Shiketaka Sasaki / Founder of Judo in Canada
- Takeo A. Arakawa / Businessman
- Memories of Kikuno Kitagawa
- Thomas Kakinuma / Ceramic artist
- Akiko & Mitsuo Imai / Who loved their community